One Minute Writer #55
What kind of change is scary to you? What kind of change is exciting?
I am not a big fan of change…never have been, probably never will be.
What kind of change is scary to you? What kind of change is exciting?
I am not a big fan of change…never have been, probably never will be.
Posted by Unknown at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: One_Minute_Writer
Daria originally aired on MTV from 1997-2002. It was created by Glenn Eichler and Susie Lewis Lynn. For those of you who don’t know the show, or didn’t have the pleasure of watching an episode or two, it is about “a smart, acerbic and somewhat misanthropic high school girl” (Wikipedia).
I bought the complete series (five seasons and two movies) from Amazon for just over 50 bucks and am really happy with it. I watched it pretty much non-stop all weekend – though it did give me lots of time to catch up on blogging.
Posted by Unknown at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog, Television
What I believe to be the second last post over at Always Standing went up a few days ago. It is all about my and Chris’ trip to England way back in 2008.
Posted by Unknown at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Always Standing, Blog, Chris, London, travel
Let me geek out for a couple minutes...First there was Laidelle, my death knight. Despite the fact that she was far from my first alliance character, she was the first to hit 80. But now I have two characters sitting at 80. My Hunter Cyndelle is now sitting at 80 as well. Now I just need to get her some decent equipment.
Posted by Unknown at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: computer, Entertainment, Gaming, Geek
The guest posts over on Always Standing are starting to wind down now (I wrote a total of 17 posts and we are apparently up to number 15). That being said, I have been slacking in letting you know of their existence so here is a longer post about each of the guest posts I have missed.
Post XII was supposed to be about Russian vodka but now that I try to create a link, it seems to be blank now...interesting...will have to inform Chris about that. Either way, perhaps it is jus tmy computer or perhaps it will be fixed shortly so check it out in a little while.
In the meantime, check out Post XIII. This is a more in depth post about my weight loss blog Road to a Better Me. I talk about my past success and also my current inspirations for joining Curves and taking a better stab at making my life healthier.
Post XIV is all about Ottawa Festivals. They are a wonderful aspect of this beautiful city that I really enjoy. Of course my favourite is the Tulip Festival, as any of my readers will know, but I also enjoy Winterlude and some of the smaller festivals in town. Greekfest just ended and The Gatineau Balloon Festival is coming up shortly.
And finally (for now at least) Post XV was just posted today and is all about My and Dave's morning routine. It's pretty short so a really easy read if you don't have a lot of time this morning.
That is all of them until XVI and XVII are posted in the next week or so. Chris comes back to Canada in a little while so no more guest posts then, but many more (regular) posts from the world traveller - which I know I am excited about.
Posted by Unknown at 8:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Always Standing, Blog, Chris, Dave, Ottawa, Weightloss
So once again I have gotten behind in the guest post updates over on Always Standing. The two latest ones are rather different from each other. Guest Post X is a recipe for peanut butter cookies, one of two peanut butter based foods that Chris likes. Guest Post XI is a brief synopsis of my trip to Stonehenge and my attempt to describe what that meant to me. I didn't succeed in getting it across really, just as I didn't when I wrote out my journal for the trip either, but it is still a pretty good attempt and has a photo to boot!
Posted by Unknown at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Always Standing, Blog, Chris, London, Photography, travel
So vacations #3 and #4 are officially over and I am slowly working my way through the photos. As per usual, my summer collection of photos has grown at a much faster rate than I can edit. As a result I will likely be dealing with a great deal of summer photos through the Fall and Winter seasons (well more like the Winter as I tend to take a lot of photos in the Fall as well).
Despite the fact that I don't really have any photos to show you, the trips to Toronto and Quebec City were great. I have realized that Quebec City is awesome and far superior to Montreal, in my opinion and I am sure Dave and I will be going back again.
As previously mentioned, both of these trips revolved around Cirque du Soleil shows. They were both good shows but Totem has definitely won the title of favourite Cirque show so far. We absolutely loved it! Not only were the performers great, but the clowns had actual acts and the stage was amazing (especially when you consider that this is a travelling show)! Totally worth the money and I highly recommend seeing this one if it comes even remotely close to you. I am sure I will post more about the trips but for now, hopefully that answers some questions about how they went.
As usual, the end of a vacation has made me start planning the next one - not entirely sure what it will be though Dave is interested in going camping at Bon Echo and we both still want to go to Vegas sometime soon. I will of course keep you all updated on what we do next.
Posted by Unknown at 8:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cirque_du_Soleil, Dave, Entertainment, Fall, Montreal, Photography, Quebec City, Toronto, Vacation, Winter appears I missed informing you of two of my guest posts over on Always Standing. My posts about the magical Super Freeze button and my 5 favourite gifts are now posted and ready for you to enjoy.
Posted by Unknown at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Always Standing, Blog, Chris, gift, memories
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