Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I started christmas shopping back in September and now I am alsmost done. I have my brother (for whom I know what I am getting) and something else for Dave. My only real problem is what I want people to get me. Dave in particular has been asking me what I want for Christmas and this is the first year that I have really no clue. Every year I have had a list (at least in my head if not on paper) as to what I wanted but this year I am having troubles thinking of something. There is no computer game that I want, I am really done with knickknacks and whatnot and the only thing I may need is clothes but I want to lose more weight until I go buying clothes as some of the stuff I have still fits me (I kind of just go back a year in my wardrobe when stuff doesn't fit - being a packrat is coming in handy). But yeah, can't think of anything. Gift certificates would be nice to clothing stores and other such things, but not something you want your boyfriend to get you - friends and family sure, but not your boyfriend. I will have to start thinking harder about my presents. Any ideas?


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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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