Friday, March 30, 2007

Employment - Part II

So I did get the job with the City, the same one as the past two years. I am supposed to make 12.50 but instead my boss bumped me up to $13/hr which is great. Obviously there are higher paying jobs out there but this one is easy and well...13 sure ain't bad pay!
Now all I have to do is find a second part-time job for the weekends and into the school year - like at shoppers or blockbuster or subway or something...I dunno exactly.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Employment - Part I

I had an itnerview today for a peer helper position with Carleton for the next school year. I had the interview at 1:30pm and got a call from the, at 3:30ish saying that I had received the job. I will be assisting the Career Services Department 5 hours a week during the school terms. It isn't really great pay - as a matter of fact it is crap pay - I get $250 at the end each term. BUT I should get really good networking contacts as I will be assisting with co-ordinating the job fairs on campus - the engineering ones too. It will also look good on my resume as it will be good references and show another side of my capabilities as an employee.

I also got an email from my boss at the City of Ottawa, where I have worked for the past two summers. As some of you know, I screwed up my applications to the City this year as they closed earlier than I was expecting and therefore didn't end up applying for any of the jobs I wanted including my old job. After some work on his part, my boss got me my job which is great. I will admit that I didn't really want to work there again this summer - I wanted one of the enviro jobs in the City, but was going to apply to my old job as a backup since it is good pay and engineering work. I am really appreciative though that my boss would go to so much trouble to get my job back after I screwed up the application.

My summer employment plan is to work at the City for $12.50/hour from 7:30am to 3:00pm everyday and then hopefully get another job at a Shoppers or Blockbuster or Subway or something around where I live and work there on the weekends and then keep that job as I go into the next school year. I will have to wait and see what happens with that part though as I don't really have time to go out and search for that job just yet - maybe during the exam period I will start that. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wee Update

Just a wee update on life in Stephville if you will.
I have been really busy with school - so many assignment and reports due real soon. Like my fourth year project presentation is in two weeks and the design isnt even done - so scary.
I have also screwed up big time in terms of work as I forgot to apply to the City of Ottawa for the summer - I didn't really want to work at the same job again - I just wanted a guaranteed job. I have applied at school for some on campus jobs and am thinking of applying at some stores in South Keys and around the area I live. I have also considered getting a job of a subway or some other fast food restaurant - but never a McDonalds or something greasy and gross like that. Who knows what will happen in the end. I hope I can make enough money for school next year and for doing what I want to do in the summer. I really hate not knowing what I am doing for money...

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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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