Thursday, December 27, 2007

19 days

As I was posting my entries for today I noticed that there are only 19 days left until Chris and I leave for London. I am so freaking excited I can't express it. I have so much to do when I get back to Ottawa. I have pretty much everything bought and received everything I didn't buy as Christmas gifts so all I have left to do outside of my house is getting some money exchanged which I need to talk to Chris about because she said something about it a month or so ago and I totally forget what it was. I have to photocopy my documents and send a copy to my parents along with an itinerary (which I will also be posting on here more likely) and I still have two more pounds to lose to reach my first weight loss goal. I have starting working on the playlist for my MP3 player as I will be needing it pretty badly for the plane and bus rides as well as falling asleep at night in what it likely to be a loud and well-lit hostel room. If you think of any good songs that would be suitable for the trip let me know - I of course have a London/British theme going but am putting another set of songs on my USB key as I know I will get sick of that a couple days into the trip.

June 2009

In about a year and a half my brother will be getting married to his girlffriend of now 3 years. While she was here for Christmas she asked me to be one of her bridesmaid alongside her two sisters. I am so honoured that she would think of me and of course I said yes. Thanks Lynn.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Presents II

I just finished Christmas breakfast with my parents after opening Christmas presents. Thisyear was a little different as Tyler wasn't here Christmas morning. He and Lynn, his fiance, will be coming downlater today. They spent Chirstmas Eve at her place and are coming her for dinner and more presents later. I openned up all the presents from "santa" and comet and my parents. I got the normal things like socks and batteries, choclates and my Gund toy (a little lamby one since I collect both those things). My big gift was a set of luggage - 6 pieces! It is really awesome. I am going to be taking at least two of the piece with me to London perhaps even three. Inside each bag was a little stocking with 50 or 100 dollars in it! I got a grand total of $500! I am not sure what I want to use it for just yet - probably a combination of London and the camera I want. There are still two more gifts from Tyler yet and I should be getting them later on. My parents liked their gifts from me and the ones from Dave which makes me really happy. My dad went and opened up his hockey cards right away - as he usually does Christmas morning. Comet seems to really like the little doll I got him which is good because I didn't know if he would as I bought it before ever meeting him.
It has been a really great Christmas so far - Hope everyone else's has been good too. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Comet Huggy Beach

This is my partent's new dog - Comet Huggy Beach (he came with that name). They got him about a month ago and he is now part of our family. He is so little and cute and adorable. He's so freaking little - only 5lbs!

He was a 'rehome' from a breeder as the 17 year old who got him initially bought him, moved to Vancouver for school and her parents decided they couldn't keep him. When Mom and Dad decided they were ready for a new dog, after Eddy's passing, they thought is was a perfect match - they needed a dog and he needed a home.
I do like Comet a lot, he is cute and adorable and really clingy actually. He has separation anxiety and gets really worked up when you return home. He staty right by your side when you start to leave although he apparently doesn't do well on trips as he gets car-sick easily. Seeing him hurts a little though as there are times when I think he is Eddy - my parents and I still call him Ed everyonce in a while. I loved Eddy and no dog could ever replace him, but Comet is a really good dog too and different which is very good.


There have been two major snow falls in Ottawa, both of which left a substantial amount of snow in our backyard. The patio table was conpletely covered with a big mound on top of it and the charis which are piled in the corner were also completely covered. So much snow!

Baking Fun

I baked for 9 hours last Sunday and in that time I made this little dinosaur/lizard out of sugar cookie dough - isn't it cute!

Hope everyone who received cookies from me enjoyed them!


It's official. I checked my marks this morning and I got two A's in my last two courses at Carleton University -Water Resources and Urban Planning. I just have to wait for the papers to come through now. I have my B.Eng in Environmental Engineering. :)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Presents I

I got my Christmas present from Dave's parents last night (as he returned from Peterborough then). I got my heavy duty, intense, super cool umbrella! YAY! It is from the weather channel and is royal blue and has a gel-filled handle for comfort (which I thought was really neat). It has a auto open and close button with is super fun to play with (although Dave told me I couldn't play with it because I would break it - which is probably true because I tend to do things like that). It also has a vented frame which is good because that helps with the wind not blowing it crazy inside out and stuff. I am really excited to see how it handles London. :) Thanks!

Monday, December 17, 2007


The ticker coutning down to my and Chri's trip to London it officially down to counting in days rather than months! Oh I am so freaking excited! I have just about everything I need to get - except for a travel wallet, which my mom said she has at the house in Prescott, and my heavy duty umbrella, which I believe someone in Dave's family is getting me for Christmas if not I will pick one up in the beginning of January. I still need to make copies of all my documents and give one set to my parents and leave one here with Dave, just in case something happens to me or I lose something and need versions sent to me or something - I don't know I just read it in a book and on the net and people have told me several times. I have been trying really hard not to think about the trip too much and have totally stopped talking about it almost all together (in an attempt to not piss people off too much - haha!) I am just so excited I can't wait! Oh my!

The Future

Dave has an interview tomorrow with a company in Mississauga. His friend from his frouth year project is currently employed by them got him the opportunity. It is really good for him - it is in his field and a really good idea. It is just that it is so far away. Chris brought up a good point the other day about it all: Everyone moves around once they graduate and eventually all our friends will be doing it, the only reason this is so hard for us is because we are the first people to do it. It made me think about everything and realize that it isn't a terrible idea for us to relocate. It has a good job market for both my and Dave's working fields and possibility for growth as well. The thing that is making it really hard is being so far from our friends and particularly my family. I know this is going to hurt my mom, me being so far away and it will hurt me just as much. I have gotten used to having them about an hour away. It is close enough that they can come and see me, I can go home whenever I want. It is far enough that I don't feel smothered or anything like that, not that I really have ever felt that way.
I don't want to jinx Dave, I want him to do his best at the interview and if it happens that they want to hire him, we will have to figure out living arrangments and everything since I have a contract with the City here until the end of February. I know everything will work out in the end, I just don't know how it it going to be. I wish I could get a preview of my life a few years from now so I would know what to do - what the best thing to do is. I am confused - and to be honest, a little scared.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Time to Study Part II

I have been studying as hard as I can for the past three days. I am however, having a hard time focusing. I have watched almost every episode of Beverly Hills 90210 Season 2 and am currenlty watching crap tv as I print out more stuff to study from. I did the math last night and I need to get 14 and 15 per cen ton my two exams to pass them. Now I don't want to just pass, but the fact that I need to do so little to pass makes me want to study even less than I already do. Well, the prints are almost done - so I should go struggle through them some more. Just two more and then I will be done forever!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

New Site

I have decided to start a new blog. Don’t worry I will still post here on a regular basis (well at least as often as I do now) but I want to start one that is completely dedicated to my weight loss. I have been thinking about it for quite some time and through the use of another site, I have come to terms with it and realized that it is good to have all the info out there – although I don’t know if I will be posting my actual weight as of yet, just my actual loss for now. So you can access it from my blog links on the left or from right here:

Time to Study

Exams are in less than a week and I have decided to start studying for them – haha. I should have started writing up study notes for my Urban Planning class today at work (on my lunch half hour). I have the ones I made for the midterm still so I only have half the course to write up. Not much really since the instructor took a large part of it off – which was awesome – and then spent another week teaching stuff that apparently isn’t on our midterm (he let it slip in the middle of the last class). I should have done this but I completely forgot.

I am going to start studying for my water resource class tonight – while watching the guys play video games, some would say that this can’t be done and I would be distracted but if you know me at all you would know that I always study with background noise whether it’s TV or music or games (played by other people of course). I have to do well on these last two midterms seeing as how they are the last of my undergraduate degree. As long as I pass them I will have a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering – I can’t wait

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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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