Thursday, May 31, 2007
Employment - Part III
I have been working at the City now for a whole month. I decided that I am not going to get a part-time job to go with this one. When I was talking to my parents about it before the summer I realized that I want to have some sort of fun this summer since this is really the first summer I have had in which I didn't have to do summer school (either my choice or not-so-much my choice) and getting a second job would pretty much take away any free time I would have. I also did the math and I don't NEED the money - although more money is always nice.
I am going to ask my boss later on in the summer about working here during the fall term when I am taking my last two courses for my degree from Carleton. If I can work here for 3 days a week then I won't have to get a part-time job then either. I don't know if I am going to be able to get a job here during the fall since it depends on the budget that this department gets and whether or not there is a spot/need for me. I am working extra hard this year to try to impress my boss more than I already have.
I always end up making all these really big goals/plans and then falling just short of them, so it will be interesting to see what happens with this one.
Posted by Unknown at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Carleton, City of Ottawa, Goals/Plans, Money, School, Work
Ads - Part II
So I signed up for the Adsense program which is actually a long process, although easy to do. The way it works is whenever someone clicks on the Ad on my page it registers in my account and once I have accumulated $100US I get a cheque sent to me - well once my account is reviewed and accepted which will take another week or so. However, within the process I have to agree that I will not:
- click the Ads myself
- use graphics (such as arrows, etc) to direct people to the Ads
- promote people from clicking the Ads
- pay people to click the Ads
- use any third-party automatic clicking program
- and other such things
So I guess I can't do any of those things if I want this to work. All that means is that it is going to take forever to get any money from this (as expected) since no one reads my blog, I have the Ad in a non-invasive spot (for my own reasons) and I guess the Ad has to be somewhat interesting to the one person who does read this. Yep, I am so not going to make any money from this whatsoever. Oh well, I wanted to see what would happen and I guess now I know.
Posted by Unknown at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ads - Part I
Blogger (and Google by association) have a feature you can put on your blog called AdSense, supposedly you can make money when people click on the ad link on your blog. Considering how many people actually read my blog (see previous post) I don't think I would make any money from it at all, perhaps pennies. Too bad my blog isn't more popular but I suppose I would have to update it regularly and actually be interesting for that to happen.
Oh well, I am going to try it anyway and see what happens.
Posted by Unknown at 10:25 AM 0 comments
I don't know how many people actually read my blog, I know Chris does but that's all I know of. There are probably a few random people who get here from Chris' blog and read it once in a while (or atleast I want to think so). I guess I am not really writing blogs to have them read but more for me to be able to write something and pretend that there is more than one person out there who wants to read them. In recent days it has helped me figure stuff out, at least somewhat. It has also given me something creative to do on my breaks at work which keeps me from going crazy with all this digitizing.
A Place After Death...
I've never been a very religious person, in fact, for a large portion of my life I claimed I was an atheist (though I am not sure if I ever really was). Over the past couple of years I have been thinking about greater powers and whatnot and despite my science mind frame, I have come to a realization that there are just so many things out there that cant' be explained. When my parents and I decided to put Eddy to sleep, I didn't really now what was going to happen. The vet put the needle in his little arm and when it kicked in he went completely limp and became so much lighter. I told mom that the weight difference must have been the weight of the world coming off of the little guy because he didn't' have to carry us anymore. I believe that. But I have been having a hard time with where he is - I mean, he can't just be gone he has to be somewhere. Mom says he is in heaven with Grandma, Wendy and Becky (Wendy's puppy). I want to believe this but I don't understand it - maybe it is just something you have to take to be true and not try to make sense of it. I know Eddy can't just be gone and I am going to believe that he is in a better place with people who will take care of him while we are all alive.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Permanent Spot For My Puppy
Eddy no whas a permanent spot in my sidebar - a blog monument if you will. I put it there since I didn't want to write any new blogs since it would eventually move Eddy off the page, not anymore. I think I might change the picture every once in a while since I have so many pictures of him. I loved that puppy dearly. I miss him so much.
Posted by Unknown at 1:35 PM 0 comments
New Look
I updated my blog in multiple ways this time...not only are there new blogs but also a slightly new look. I really don't want to work today and is not blocked on the City computers ... yet. I am not sure how I feel about the new look just yet. I think I will continue working on it, perhaps even give it some features which might make me update it more regularly (I think pictures will do that - I love pictures).
Posted by Unknown at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blog, City of Ottawa, Pictures, Work
I am dealing with a great deal of guilt right now. The greatest of which has to do with leaving Prescott and coming here to Ottawa after Eddy died. I know that I had to come back to be able to go to work and continue with my life, but it is easier to deal with the loss of my puppy here since there are less things to remind me of him.
I feel guilty for leaving mom and dad with an "Eddy-less" house.
Posted by Unknown at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Coping with Loss
Eddy passed away this weekend. He was really sick as he had kidney failure along with a few other things. He was given a year to live and died two weeks after diagnosis. Not pulling that needle out of the vets hand was so hard. Agreeing about putting him to sleep was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, though I know it was right. He was so much more than just a pet as he carried our entire family through so much especially in the last few years. I will miss him forever.
Posted by Unknown at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Death, Eddy, kidney failure
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Mish Mash Update
I have been back at work now for almost two weeks and am alraedy incerdibly bored with it. I want paycheques but don't want to do any work for them - but doesn't everyone. For now I will just have to force myself to keep doing my work and attempting to stay at the head of the pack which for some reason I quite enjoy. I am already ahead of where I was last year at this time, which makes me feel good about my work and I haven't really been slacking off that much excluding right now of course. Unfortunately my first decent sized paycheque doesn't come until the end of the month and I have pertty much already spent it which isn't like me at all.
I got an international call this morning from Chris, which was a really fantastic way to start the day. I ended up forgetting my umbrella because I was talking to her and not really paying attention to what I was doing, but I more than likely would have forgotten it if I wasn't on the phone so it doesn't really matter. She seems to be having a really great time in Paris, which makes me happy, though also a little jealous in a healthy 'wish I could have gone too' sort of way.
My flowers are growing well. Soon I will plant everything outside and get started on my carrots (which I couldn't start inside due to the depth of soil they require). Dave said it is possible to get some tulip bulbs for next year (free) which would be nice, I like tulips, though I know others do not. I like growing things, it is nice to see something succeed like that. Though my first batch of green onions are not doing so well since I attempted to transplant them and I have not yet mastered that art - the second batch is coming up nicely though.
Posted by Unknown at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chris, City of Ottawa, Flowers, Gardening, Paris, Work