On September 13, 2008 Lynn Burchat officially became Lynn Beach thus adding her to the Beach Family. My brother is so lucky to have found her and I couldn't be happier for them both. I was fortunate to have been part of the wedding (as a bridesmaid) and therefore couldn't do much in terms of photography but luckily I taught Dave everything he knows ;) and he was able to take the reins for me. He did a wonderful job and I believe the above photo proves that.
Congratulation Tyler and Lynn, I know you have a happy future ahead of you.
Welcome to The Great Abyss. My name is Stephanie and I am a Junior Environmental Engineer - but as I do not have my professional engineering license yet, I am an Environmental Scientist. I am also an aspiring photographer taking night courses at the local college. This blog is where I post my daily thoughts and any interesting things I run across while surfing the net or just generally living my life. I hope you enjoy it. I also have a photography blog entitled Stephanie Beach Photography, where I post photos and stories about my alternate life as a photographer, and a weight loss blog entitled The Road to a Better Me, where I chronicle my on-going battle with my weight.
The work contained in my online galleries and published on my blogs is Copyright Stephanie Beach 1998-2011 (unless otherwise stipulated). All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission. My work does not belong to the public domain.
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