One Minute Writer #7
Is life getting better or worse as you get older?
To be honest, I don't know.
Is life getting better or worse as you get older?
To be honest, I don't know.
Posted by Unknown at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: One_Minute_Writer
What are you running from, or what are you running towards?
Somehow I am both running from things and towards others. I am currently running from all the drama and anguish that has occurred this past week and a half while running towards some kind of happy future. I don't really know what the future holds for me or how I get there (or if I ever will) but I know I want to be there. In my head this future holds a great career that I love and of course Dave. There are no car problems or business trips, there aren't any frustrating bosses to deal with or a recession holding back job opportunities. I hope I get there one day - preferably sooner rather than later.
Posted by Unknown at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Car, Dave, employment, frustration, Goals/Plans, One_Minute_Writer
The Ottawa Tulip Festival starts this weekend and runs until the 18th of May. It is quite possibly my favourite festival that Ottawa runs throughout the year. It is mostly free, has beautiful flowers and art displays and allows me to really focus on my photography.
This year I want to try and take in other aspects of the festival (other than just photographing the flowers that is). There is a presentation about Karsh on May 7 that I am hoping to go to but my attendance depends on a few things.
I can't wait to get out there and really start moving forward with my Tulip photo collection - and this year I can even take photos in my own backyard when I am too lazy or tired to go to one of the festival sites. I am obviously very excited.
Posted by Unknown at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Flowers, Gardening, Goals/Plans, Nikon_d80, Ottawa, Photography, Pictures, Spring
You may remember how the backyard looked when the tulips were just starting to sprout, now they are starting to bloom. The yellow ones are the only ones really blooming right now but the rest of them are getting there
Posted by Unknown at 7:05 PM 0 comments
If you could have a very popular blog with millions of readers, what would it be about?
It would be this blog or my photography blog. I would love for either of these blogs to be popular and to receive comments on my posts. In reality, this blog will never become popular as it is merely about my rather bland life and the events therein - not to mention the fact that I am not a very good writer at the best of times. My photography blog, however, has some slim chance of becoming vaguely popular as it could appeal to more people. Hopefully, once I get going with my photography again I will find that I have more readers and comments there.
Posted by Unknown at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blog, Comments, One_Minute_Writer, Photography, Readers
This is my new kitchen and it makes me feel very grown up. The thing that makes me realize that I am not all grown up is the fact that to the right of this image is a kitchen counter covered in dirty dishes as I haven't done any cleaning in multiple days.
Anyway, back to my grown up kitchen. Dave and I bought the new table and chairs a few weeks before my birthday and he and Justin put it all together for me the day of the party. I have waited on putting up a picture as it didn't feel completely finished. Today I completed it with the addition of my three 'budding buddies' (corny I know, but that is what I am calling them). I bought a hibiscus, Gerber daisy and a tropical plant that wasn't named. I re-potted them this evening and am really happy with how they look on the wonderful table. I still think the wall could use a bigger picture frame, but that little one will do for now. I love my kitchen/dining room.
Posted by Unknown at 8:58 PM 1 comments
If you could choose to put all your tax money toward one area of spending, what would it be?
I have thought about this and can't decide. I have two ideas - both pretty predictable when it comes to me: camera equipment and travel. I want to purchase multiple pieces of equipment for my photography, the big ones right now are a macro lens and a flash attachment. I am planning on getting the macro lens before the Tulip Festival starts as a belated birthday present to myself (and partially my parents and Dave).
I also want to go to Montreal soon and would really enjoy spending the money on that.
When it comes right down to it, I intend on doing both things and the tax return is just a bonus. I will be buying camera equipment and I will be travelling this spring/summer. That makes me happy.
Posted by Unknown at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: One_Minute_Writer, Photography, Spring, Summer
When I was little I would wake up to a basket or bowl on the floor with a trail of Easter eggs leading to the living room where I would then find a small gift from the"Easter Bunny". Later when we got Eddy, the trail started and ended in my room with the remaining eggs in the bowl already as Ed would have eaten all the chocolate lying on the ground. But I still knew to go to the living room to receive my small, but great gift. When I went away to school the "Easter bunny" sometimes came to me in Ottawa and sometimes waited until after exams were completed to deliver the goodies. Though Easter sometimes got looked over due to the craziness that is university exams.
This year was a pretty different from any previous year. I went home for Easter dinner with Dave and we got our chocolate which was really nice. We had spent Good Friday trying to go to the Agriculture Museum and then hanging out with a friend for the rest of the afternoon. Today is the day that makes it all so different. Dave left this morning to go back to Toronto for the designated substance surveys for DST. So I spent Easter Sunday walking around Mer Bleue and then driving around the City trying to find something to distract myself with. Now I am back at home going through photos and blogging (and worrying about work but that is another story).
Posted by Unknown at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dave, Eddy, Family, Friends, Holiday, Ottawa, Photography, Prescott
On Wednesday I went to check the temperature outside to see if I needed my winter coat or not - as I stepped out the back door I saw that the tulips Dave and I had planted literally just before winter hit, were beginning to sprout. It made me so happy. I love flowers in general but tulips are so pretty and so extremely photogenic. I showed them to Dave when he got home last night and he seemed pleasantly surprised that our last minute planting had worked. I spent some time out there this afternoon taking pictures of the little guys as I want to document their growth.
This is what the backyard looks like right now:I want to get some grass seed as moving into the house and the planting of the tulips has destroyed the little bits of grass that we used to have. I also want to get some marigolds or other 'easy' flowers to have in some planters around the yard. I was also thinking of some rocks to put around the edges of the flower beds as they are currently blending in with the ground. I am so excited for Spring to be coming and even more excited to have my own backyard (well sort of) that I can make pretty and photogenic.
Posted by Unknown at 3:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: Flowers, Goals/Plans, Ottawa, Photography, Spring
Dave and I tried to go to the Agriculture Museum today but apparently we weren't the only ones with this idea. I knew others would be there and I figured it would be rather busy but it was insane. We pulled up in front of the parking lot and it was absolutely packed - ridiculously so. We turned around and decided to try again some other time. The babies will remain in baby form for a couple weeks so it is fine - better than having to deal with copious amounts of people, we all know how little I enjoy large crows.
Posted by Unknown at 1:59 PM 0 comments
I have just created an account with LinkedIn. Basically this is the professional version of Facebook and so far is pretty neat. I heard about it this morning on CanadaAM and I think everyone should check it out.
Posted by Unknown at 10:52 AM 1 comments
So I got up just now to use the restroom and on my way back noticed something horrifying --- it is snowing. Today is April 6 and it is snowing. I am 100% NOT okay with this. April is the time of rain and the onsets of Spring - the snow turns that disgusting grey colour and slowly disappears. It does not accumulate. This snow better not last because if it does I am going to snap and be outside with a hair dryer.
Posted by Unknown at 9:10 AM 1 comments
Dave is gone for a few days then back for three then away until the end of the month. I miss him.
Posted by Unknown at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dave
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