Whack-A-Kitty Part II
A long while back I posted about a YouTube video called Whack-A-Kitty. So freaking cute the only 'words' that could describe it were O M G.
Now it seems there is a part II:
A long while back I posted about a YouTube video called Whack-A-Kitty. So freaking cute the only 'words' that could describe it were O M G.
Now it seems there is a part II:
Posted by Unknown at 8:52 AM 0 comments
My 26th birthday was initially looking like it was going to be pretty dismal - full of work and little to no play. I worked the day before my birthday (a Sunday no less) and then had to work late on my actual birthday. But luckily, I have an amazing friend named Chris. For the week leading up to my birthday she left me 'birthday countdown' messages on my Facebook wall and her and Jerrica planned a birthday dinner for me at the Works (so yummy). Chris even baked me a cake - and if you know Chris you know how big of a deal that is!It was a very yummy carrot cake that I had only a tiny piece of after dinner, but will eat more of tonight. Long story short, what was looking like a boring birthday turned out to be a good one filled will friends and tons of phone messages, emails and Facebook wall posts. Thank you all.
Whenever I randomly draw things, I end up drawing them in 3D. I will draw a box around an important phone number or person's name when I am on the phone and then make that 3D. So this little video is even more neat...but really it is just super cool all on its own.
Posted by Unknown at 7:26 PM 1 comments
Since I started taking RAW files with my camera I have learned just how powerful the Photoshop RAW dialog box is. It is a wonderful tool for getting your photos to look really great – and to fix up any little mistakes you might have made while taking the photo originally.
My point and shoot camera that goes pretty much everywhere with me, however, only takes JPEGs and I am therefore not able to make the changes I feel are necessary. The changes are even more necessary considering the almost complete lack of control I have on most of the settings.
Recently I discovered a way to open JPEGs in Photoshop’s RAW box and feel I should share that here with you.
First things first, open Photoshop. Then once that is done, go to File and then Open As.
Then select Camera Raw in the drop down box labelled Open As.Now hit Open and you are ready to edit it as you would a regular RAW image.
Posted by Unknown at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog, computer, feature, How-to, Photography, Photoshop
While I was in Florida (Disney to be precise) I picked up a magnetic Winnie-the-Pooh toy and started a photography project entitled “100 Possibilities”. Essentially you take 100 completely different photos of the same object. I have a fair number of them now, though since I am hoping to finish it by the end of the year, I do have to pick up the pace a little.
I have recently changed how I caption my photos to mimic the descriptions of (and introduction to) A.A. Milne’s classic Winnie-the-Pooh books. For example, the above photo is #11 in my project and is entitled Portrait Pooh. It’s caption is now “In which Pooh sits for his Portrait”.
I mention this here on my regular blog, in hopes that more people will check it out. I have posted all the images (and a list of them with links) on my photography blog and the entire set can be found on Flickr of course. I am pretty happy with how the project has gone so far and would love any comments and/or suggestions you may have on my progress. Hope you like them.
Posted by Unknown at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blog, Flickr, Photography
Today is 3/14 which also happens to be Pi Day. It is the day we celebrate the mathematical constant Pi, π. I learned this as I was searching in Google. While reading about the day on Wikipedia, I also learned that today is also Albert Einstein’s birthday – seems rather fitting that his birthday lands on such a mathematically significant date.
Posted by Unknown at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Birthday, Engineering, Holiday
You may have noticed a certain lull in daily posts and/or that the Florida trip wasn't quite recapped in February as planned. I blame these all on March Madness. Though March is my favourite month (primarily because it contains my birthday), it is also one of the busiest, especially since I started working at DST. As it marks the end of the Federal Fiscal year, all federal projects have to be wrapped up and fully invoiced by March 31st.
This being said, I have tried my best to keep posts coming as often as possible throughout the last little while and will continue to do so until this is all over, but please bear with me. Features may be a little behind schedule and posts may not be as interesting as they ought to be - but it is only temporary, I promise.
Posted by Unknown at 11:36 AM 0 comments
While searching through the archives that are my photos, I found this series of photos taken in Moosonee in 2001 (during a road trip).
That’s right – I have been oddly documenting the most mundane things for a very long time now.
Posted by Unknown at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Labels: memories, Photography, Weirdness
Write about a goal you've had trouble achieving.
I think everyone who reads my blog or knows me in real life (or both) knows that my true passion is photography. One of my biggest goals in life is to become a professional photographer. In my mind, I have always thought of becoming a professional engineer and doing photography on the side as to not suck the life out of it. Lately though, I have dreamt of doing it full-time as I am not completely satisfied with my current full-time job as an (environmental) engineer in training.
Either way, neither goal is really moving forward at a pace that makes me happy (or even content). I am taking night courses and I am definitely learning more and more about photography as I progress through the program, but I am miles away from the quality of photographs that the pros put out.
To make a long story a little less long, my photography is advancing, I just wish it would pick up the pace a little.
Posted by Unknown at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Engineering, Goals/Plans, One_Minute_Writer, Photography
Posted by Unknown at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: childhood, feature, memories, Television, Whenesday, Youtube
I have been alive for over two and a half decades, but it is only this last one that I remember with almost perfect clarity. You see, in the beginning of 1990-1999 I was barely in school and can only remember certain moments, and even those may be contrived from photographs I have seen and stories I have been told. During the last decade though, I was 15 to 25 years old and able to remember everything - though not everything is worth remembering. Below is a listing of personal highlights and a photo of myself from each year in the past decade:
2000 - got my driver's license; house was robbed; finished technology enriched school program;
2001 - broke up with first serious boyfriend; travelled to Moosonee; took first college course in photography; learned how to develop film photographs; thought of becoming an architect; became co-president in several clubs (and remained until end of high school). Below p
hoto taken either by my friend Alaina or myself. Either way, it is from one of the many nights I spent at Alaina’s. Notice the curly hair – she did it and it likely lasted about 1 hour.2002 – started using ICQ to talk to pretty much everyone; received SLR camera; learned how to take manual photos; started playing rugby on high school team. Below photograph taken by me while sitting in front of the computer in my parent’s house.
2003 - graduated from high school; started university; met best friend; lived in university residence; lost 25 pounds; stopped drinking alcohol (no real reason); employed at Forwarders' Museum. Below p
hoto taken in my residence room while I was studying chemistry with Justin
2004 - started dating the love of my life; Tyler graduated from university; moved into rented house with friends; mom diagnosed with breast cancer; worked for last time at Forwarders' Museum; failed first course ever. Below p
hoto taken by Dave. This was one of the last days of first year – Dave and I took photos of each other around campus as we were going to be apart for the entire summer.
2005 - failed second course; starting working at City of Ottawa (Eng. Assistant); started budget spreadsheet; lost 20 pounds. Below photograph by me. Taken in my room on Glen after getting my hair cut short. I think there are remnants of the first dye-job I had done (blonde highlights).
2006 - moved in with Dave (in ‘boy house’); started my first blog; saw first Cirque de Soleil show live; learnt how to make bead jewellery. Below p
hoto was taken at my City of Ottawa job - it was a co-worker's birthday.
2007 - Eddy died; stopped receiving money from parents (for rent/bills); went to Chris' cottage for first time; worked at City of Ottawa while finishing up B.Eng; got my iron ring; graduated from university; ended career as professional student (over 19 years spent full-time in school). Below p
hoto was taken by Dave. I am holding my B.Eng degree from Carleton University in my room in the ‘boy house’.
2008 - travelled to England; flew in plane for first time; got my first dSLR camera; moved into rented townhouse with just Dave; got EI for 1 month; had the first job I really hated; got my first real engineering job; started night courses in photography; Tyler got married. Below photo was taken in the London Eye while Chris and I were on travelling there.
2009 - got in a car accident; bought my first car; traveled to Montreal; traveled to Chicago; started my grown-up life. Below photo was taken by Christine Sweeton for a class assignment. I did it – I remembered a few things from each year AND found a photo of myself from each year (though some were hard to find and most had few options). Now it is on to 2010 (though I realize it has already started). I do not know what the next decade holds for me or those I care about – though I do hope the majority of it is worth writing good things about in 2020.
Posted by Unknown at 9:27 AM 1 comments
Labels: Carleton, Chris, Dave, Eddy, Engineering, Family, Friends, London, memories, Parents, Photography, School, travel, Weightloss, Work, writing
So here it is, March's Blog of Note: Faces in Places. A pretty cute blog, the author puts up photos of random items in which you can easily see a face. They range from cupcakes and trees to spice containers and t-shirts.
Posted by Unknown at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blog, Blog of Note, feature
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