Birthday 2010
My 26th birthday was initially looking like it was going to be pretty dismal - full of work and little to no play. I worked the day before my birthday (a Sunday no less) and then had to work late on my actual birthday. But luckily, I have an amazing friend named Chris. For the week leading up to my birthday she left me 'birthday countdown' messages on my Facebook wall and her and Jerrica planned a birthday dinner for me at the Works (so yummy). Chris even baked me a cake - and if you know Chris you know how big of a deal that is!It was a very yummy carrot cake that I had only a tiny piece of after dinner, but will eat more of tonight. Long story short, what was looking like a boring birthday turned out to be a good one filled will friends and tons of phone messages, emails and Facebook wall posts. Thank you all.
Great cake shot!
(And yes, it was Not-From-Scratch, I had to break eggs and open a box and everything!)
Glad you had a good birthday, let me know when you have picked your Disney movie.
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