Monday, December 18, 2006

What to do?!

ok so my last exam is on Thursday and I have done very little studying for it thus far. I am really bored of studying though. I have to make a cheat sheet (2 pages, both sides - no solved questions) other than that I have to practice some questions - for example the midterm and the assignments. I have to go to campus and pick up some assignments from a classmates locker - I also wanted to go to the school to workout. I haven't been in about a week since I have been sick and I still am sick, but I need to workout before I have to force myself to start again. Of course it would be easier to workout if I had an elliptical machine at home (see previous post). My other task is to start my Christmas baking which I love and really want to do but I don't want it to be tainted by being a procrastination device.
Okay - enough blogging - I am going to get to work.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

More Sassy Bead

Yep so as previously mentioned I went to Sassy Bead in the market with Dave yesterday and got a whole bunch of beads as well as ideas.

I saw a necklace similar to the one on the left and thought it was really cool, so I found the materials for it - meaning the hoops. I had already picked out a long strand of the really cool stones.
The bracelette on the right is from a necklace Chris gave me in first year that was a little tighter than I like - so yesterday (finally) I cut it and made it into a bracelette - still from Chris and wearable now.

Nice Saturday with Dave

Dave and I had a really nice Saturday together. We got a drive down to the Market with Yan and after finding a parking spot (an adventure on its own), we went into the Market. We went to Sugar Mountain where Dave got most of his Christmas gifts for our housemates and then we left Yan and went to Sassy Bead where I got a whole bunch of cool beads (which I later made into pretty bracelettes) and then walked around a bit. We went into the Rideau Centre and got Orange Julius - yummy! and then came home. We watched some tv on the computer and I made my bracelettes and then we ate dinner together and watched Lord of the Rings until bedtime. It was a nice peaceful day. I like days like that.

Elliptical Machine

I have decided that once my income starts up again (this summer) I am going to start saving for an elliptical machine. This is the one I want right now (the picture is from somehwere on the net).
It has 20 levels of resistance, heart rate monitor capabilities, 15 Programs (including 2 custom ones), ability to change incline (which some of them don't) and of course it works both arms and legs (unlike the ones in the gym which only do legs). Unfortunately this model is $2348.00 at Fitness Depot. Elliptical machines come cheaper, like down to $700, but they either don't have arms and legs or they don't have a changing incline (which I really want to get better control of my workout).
It is going to take me quite some time to save up the money for this, but it is what I want. I am going to start a separate account with ING called Elliptical Machine and put a portion of my earnings in this account - I will end up getting the same amount of interest overall with my money split up like that and this way I won't be tempted to use the money in some other fashion (at least not as tempted). I really want this machine (or one that has all the same features).

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sassy Bead

I went to Sassy Bead today with Chris. We made something there for her and then I made this when I got home. I am happy with it.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yep so this is a site with tons (and I mean tons) of tv shows on broadband. A classmate showed it to me. I have so far successfully ignored its existence. Can you?


Yep so I have an exam tomorrow and then another on Thursday. 2 of the 3 that I have left for this term and man do I ever not want to study. You know how when you really don't want to study you can find almost anything to do instead. Well that is what I am doing now. I am left with very little to do other than study. This is not to say that I haven't studies, just that I don't want to...ok, back to it I guess.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Clean room

Yep so since it is exam time I have been cleaning my room because you need a clean study environment right?! So this is what it looked like a couple of days ago...

And this is what it looks like now...

Minus the fact that Dave's pants are on the chair so they don't wrinkle and there are still some clothes drying...haha wahoo!


Found a bunch of pictures from my camera that I took to be able to post them on here but I didn't have the time too...not that I really do now either - I just don't want to study.

This was an apple pie I made a couple of weeks ago - it was so yummy and good to look at too!

This was my first game of Settlers - and I won! WAHOO! go me!

This one is from yesterday when I made a crud load of gingerbread cookies. I will be making more later when I make all my Christmas cookies, there were just out of boredome really.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

a month

Ha I just noticed when I checked to see my new posts that it has been exactly a month (date not time though) since I last posted - oops. Sorry about that (to the one person who reads this) - it has been really busy and school has been the only thing really going on which is the same thing I post about every time - boring huh?!


I started christmas shopping back in September and now I am alsmost done. I have my brother (for whom I know what I am getting) and something else for Dave. My only real problem is what I want people to get me. Dave in particular has been asking me what I want for Christmas and this is the first year that I have really no clue. Every year I have had a list (at least in my head if not on paper) as to what I wanted but this year I am having troubles thinking of something. There is no computer game that I want, I am really done with knickknacks and whatnot and the only thing I may need is clothes but I want to lose more weight until I go buying clothes as some of the stuff I have still fits me (I kind of just go back a year in my wardrobe when stuff doesn't fit - being a packrat is coming in handy). But yeah, can't think of anything. Gift certificates would be nice to clothing stores and other such things, but not something you want your boyfriend to get you - friends and family sure, but not your boyfriend. I will have to start thinking harder about my presents. Any ideas?

Two done, 3 to go

this one today was EASY! It was the easiest exam I have written since I got here - wow. Now I just have three more and they get progressively harder as they go - oh well, study well, take it one at a time and all that jazz and it should be fine - right?

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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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