Sunday, December 17, 2006

Nice Saturday with Dave

Dave and I had a really nice Saturday together. We got a drive down to the Market with Yan and after finding a parking spot (an adventure on its own), we went into the Market. We went to Sugar Mountain where Dave got most of his Christmas gifts for our housemates and then we left Yan and went to Sassy Bead where I got a whole bunch of cool beads (which I later made into pretty bracelettes) and then walked around a bit. We went into the Rideau Centre and got Orange Julius - yummy! and then came home. We watched some tv on the computer and I made my bracelettes and then we ate dinner together and watched Lord of the Rings until bedtime. It was a nice peaceful day. I like days like that.


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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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