Sunday, December 17, 2006

Elliptical Machine

I have decided that once my income starts up again (this summer) I am going to start saving for an elliptical machine. This is the one I want right now (the picture is from somehwere on the net).
It has 20 levels of resistance, heart rate monitor capabilities, 15 Programs (including 2 custom ones), ability to change incline (which some of them don't) and of course it works both arms and legs (unlike the ones in the gym which only do legs). Unfortunately this model is $2348.00 at Fitness Depot. Elliptical machines come cheaper, like down to $700, but they either don't have arms and legs or they don't have a changing incline (which I really want to get better control of my workout).
It is going to take me quite some time to save up the money for this, but it is what I want. I am going to start a separate account with ING called Elliptical Machine and put a portion of my earnings in this account - I will end up getting the same amount of interest overall with my money split up like that and this way I won't be tempted to use the money in some other fashion (at least not as tempted). I really want this machine (or one that has all the same features).


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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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