Just a few more days
I have just a couple more days of my incredibly busy schedule and then it is back to the regular work load. Today there is a midterm in wastewater and tomorrow I have a wastewater lab due and on Friday I have a lab to perform in air pollution, a lab due in air pollution, an assignment due in waste management and a midterm in waste management. But I think I can do it. I am going to have to tape Grey's Anatomy Thursday night though. At least I think I am going to have to. Unless I can get everything done before then which isn't very likely. And really even if I can, I should be studying for the midterm so that I don't screw it up like I am pretty sure I have scredwed up most of them so far. I will be so glad when this is all done.
Although next week I have a lot of stuff due still, it is just normal load though:
possibly a landfill assignment, wastewater design chapter due, a wastewater lab to perform and apparantly an air pollution assignment which I just learned about yesterday (and I can't seem to find it posted anywhere). But that isn't too much really, definitely manageable.
I just can't wait until this week is over, until all the midterms are over. It will be a huge relief.