Half Decade
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 marked five (5) years for Dave and I. That's right, we have been together for five whole years. It is remarkable really.
But the other day when talking to Chris about what we did, I essentially stated that we did nothing, which is more or less true. We ordered some Chinese Food and watched TV and movies all night - the same thing we do every night (well eat dinner and watch TV/movies all night). We didn't do anything grand or out of the normal - nothing really to celebrate at all. It wasn't because neither of us remembered, or because we didn't care, more like it doesn't feel like it had been 5 years - nor has it been hard.
Dave and I mesh together quite well - we have similar likes and dislikes and for the most part have similar opinions on the things that really matter. We are both homebodies and therefore it doesn't bother him that I enjoy sitting around the house, nor me that he enjoys playing video games for hours on end. I believe we compliment each other nicely, though no direct example comes to mind at the moment. For these reasons, and so many more, the last 5 years have been pleasant and the relationship has been smooth - it just happens and it does so nicely.
I wanted to do something sweet for him here - but alas, I have not been creative enough the last few days to think of anything worthy of his amazing-ness. I love him so much and don't want to think of a life without him in it. So I will reference a really old post that was about him.
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