19 days
As I was posting my entries for today I noticed that there are only 19 days left until Chris and I leave for London. I am so freaking excited I can't express it. I have so much to do when I get back to Ottawa. I have pretty much everything bought and received everything I didn't buy as Christmas gifts so all I have left to do outside of my house is getting some money exchanged which I need to talk to Chris about because she said something about it a month or so ago and I totally forget what it was. I have to photocopy my documents and send a copy to my parents along with an itinerary (which I will also be posting on here more likely) and I still have two more pounds to lose to reach my first weight loss goal. I have starting working on the playlist for my MP3 player as I will be needing it pretty badly for the plane and bus rides as well as falling asleep at night in what it likely to be a loud and well-lit hostel room. If you think of any good songs that would be suitable for the trip let me know - I of course have a London/British theme going but am putting another set of songs on my USB key as I know I will get sick of that a couple days into the trip.