Sears Tower
I went to the Sears Tower, which is now called the Willis Tower, on a Wednesday night, which turned out to be very handy in terms of not having to wait in line for up to two hours. The tower itself is 110 stories tall but the skydeck where the tourists gather, is at 103 stories. I walked around the skydeck, reading the tidbits of information and Chicago history around the floor. I browsed the skydeck gift shop, which was very overpriced. I waited for quite some time to get clear views at each window location. Then I got to the Skydeck Ledge. The Skydeck Ledge is a small 'glass' box that edges over the side of the building. There are currently three Ledges with one under construction. Now if you remember my trip to London over a year ago, I got very afraid when we climbed to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral. This wasn't that bad though. I stepped out carefully and managed to stand there long enough to get a couple decent shots through the glass and of course, a photo to prove I stood out on the Ledge (the shoes in this picture later got sliced somehow and are on their way to retirement).
I then waited for another hour and half or so until the sun went down and I could take some night shots of the city from above it. Turned out to not be the best place or time to take the type of shots I wanted as the visibility was pretty low when I was up top, but I am still happy with the trip up to the top of the Sears Tower.
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