Quotable Thursday #16
"Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to." - Bill Vaughn.
"Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to." - Bill Vaughn.
Posted by Unknown at 11:59 PM 0 comments
A couple weekends ago Dave and I spent several hours 'putting up Christmas' in our house. We set up the tree and our stockings and even got a large portion of our gifts wrapped - it was a rather productive time. We did have a few issues with the tree, like the very top bit not being strong enough to support our star and Dave having to MacGyver an attachment piece for it.
This 'weird fish with transparent head' was first discovered in 1939, but has only recently been found alive. The image was taken in 2004 but was just released in February, 2009 and published on the National Geographic website. It was taken by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in the deep waters off California's central coast. Its name is barreleye (Macropinna microstoma) and as you can see, its forehead is similar to a cockpit. It is completely transparent enabling you to see its inner workings. What you would think were eyes at the front of its head are actually smell sensors. The eyes are tubes (or barrels - hence barreleye) that lie under the green domes in its head. The domes themselves are used to filter out the small amounts of light that reaches down into the deep, dark waters it calls home.
(information and image found at National Geographic)
Posted by Unknown at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: aquatic, National Geographic, Weirdness
Posted by Unknown at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Car, Christmas, Dave, Family, Holiday, Shopping, Television
"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time" - Laura Ingalls-Wilder.
...is well, everything. I have compiled a list of wants for this Christmas season. As usual, I don't distribute this list anywhere but here, and don't intend to actual receive really any of the gifts from the Dream List, but I think it is fun to make and it helps me determine what I will want to buy myself throughout the next year.
Dream List
Rational List
As you can see, many of the things I want, both in dream world and the rational world, are photography based. I am pretty sure those of you who know me, or read this blog regularly could have guessed that be the case.
Posted by Unknown at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas, gift, Holiday, list, Money, Photography, Shopping
Brittany Murphy died yesterday (December 20, 2009) at age 32 apparently from cardiac arrest. An autopsy is being performed to determine if this was indeed the cause of death.
She starred in a couple classic teen movies such as Clueless, but also more serious dramas like Girl, Interrupted. She also had some face time on the tabloids when she was dating Ashton Kutcher in 2002. Brittany Murphy dabbled in music as well when she sang with Paul Oaklenfold and also in the movie Happy Feet.
She seemed to have a good career going for her, and on the more quiet side of Hollywood to boot. I really hope her death is confirmed to be natural and the tabloids let her rest in peace.
Posted by Unknown at 8:44 AM 0 comments
A while back, okay a long while back, Chris told Dave and me about a webcomic she thought we would really like = Ctrl+Alt+Del. She would periodically send me links to pages of it, most of which were about WoW. Neither Dave nor myself really got into the series, that is until recently. Dave has finished reading the entire comic series from back when it started in 2005 to the most recent posts. I am somewhere in the middle of 2006 and have a fair bit left until I am caught up, but am really enjoying it. Essentially it is a webcomic about two gamers. There is lots about gaming, obviously, and computers and comics and some movies (mostly game based movies), but also bits about their lives. I really like it and think it is actually quite funny. Everyone should check it out. (I have also added a link to it on the right)
(oh and the image is from the Ctrl+Alt+Del website)
Posted by Unknown at 10:52 AM 0 comments
"Life isn't fair. It is just fairer than death, that's all." - William Goldman (The Princess Bride)
So as you can tell, the only blog of the three that I run to have a header is my Photography one. As I lost Photoshop a little while ago, I have been unable to create (or finish creating) the headers for this blog and my weight loss blog. I had a grand idea for the weight loss blog and was just about to start it when I lost Photoshop. I had been working on a header for this blog, and had some prototypes, but nothing I really loved. So, unfortunately these blogs will be running without a header for a little while yet as Dave and I try to trick my computer into letting me install Photoshop again. Not having access to it is really hindering my creative process; however, I have reinstalled Lightroom 3 (the Beta version is available for free from Adobe) and am able to complete basic alterations and edits to my photos.
Posted by Unknown at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blog, computer, Dave, Photography, Photoshop
Interested in looking up a previously posted feature? Well now it is easier to do just that.
I have made the list of features (over on the right) links to posts where a full listing of feature posts can be found (including their original post date). Enjoy.
Posted by Unknown at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Chris asks me How to Make a Collage in Photoshop on a semi-regular basis, and though she wrote it down last time I told her, which was a while ago now, I figured I would post it here for anyone else who might be interested.
Step 1. Decide if you want a basic coloured background (1a) or a picture as your background (1b).
1a. Coloured Background
If you want a coloured background you can do one two things (i and ii):
i. After opening Photoshop, create a new image. Input the dimensions you want the final collage to be (the size of one of your photos might be a good place to start) and select the background colour desired, see below. Hit OK. You now have a blank canvas to start with. Proceed to Step 2.
ii. Another way to do this is to open any image in Photoshop. Then hit CTRL and the A key to select everything in the image. With the selection tool active (this may be the rectangular, elliptical, single row or single column marquee tool), right click the image and select Layer Via Cut, see below. You now have Layer 1 as the original photo and the background layer as a blank colour, see below (whatever your background colour was at the time). Proceed to Step 2.
1b. If you would rather have an image as your background, open the image in Photoshop and then proceed to Step 2.
If you decided to use Either Step 1.a.ii or Steb 1.b then save your collage file with a new filename now as to not alter the original file used. You will likely have to save it as a Photoshop file (see end of post for description and helpful images).
Step 2. Start placing your collage images.
Open the image you want to place into your collage, make sure to keep your collage file open. Either hit CTRL and the A key to select the entire image, or using the selection tool, select only the part of the image you want in your collage. Hit CTRL and the C key to copy the selection then go back the collage file and hit CTRL and the V key to paste the image into the file. It will come in as a new layer, see below. You can move each layer around by selecting it (the currently selected layer is highlighted blue - layer 1 is selected above) and using the Move Tool, see below.
You can resize the image by transforming hit, hitting CTRL and the T key will allow you to do this. Once you have resized it how you would like it, press Enter to accept the transformation. Proceed to Step 3.
Step 3. Adding the remaining images.
Repeat Step 2 with each image you want to use in your collage. Make sure to exit each photo after you are done copying them into your collage to keep your computer running efficiently. Also, remember not to save any changes made to the photos that might have been made in the process. Proceed to Step 4.
Step 4. Saving the collage.
When you save the image you get the option of what file you would like to save it as. If you intend on continuing work on the collage, you should save it first as a Photoshop file, see below. This will save all the layers and any other techniques you have used so that you can alter them later on.Once you want the image to be used in other programs, save it as a JPEG image, see below.
General Notes
Save your collage file on a regular basis to ensure you don't lose it at any time during the process.
Posted by Unknown at 8:20 AM 1 comments
Labels: computer, feature, How-to, Photography, Photoshop
Lately Dave and I have been listening to Live 88.5 on the drive into work. We also listen to it as we fall asleep at night (well most nights). This entire month the are having a daily contest called Merry Textmas. Basically you text in to receive a different gift (or prize) each day. As Dave and I listen, we hear of things that we would like and since I have excess money on my phone that will shortly expire, we have been texting in most days. Usually we only text once, perhaps twice each day but today we must have texted at least 5 times. Today they were giving away a 46" LED TV. I am not sure where we would have put this TV had we won, but it would have been awesome. We have tried to get another dSLR camera, a waterproof point-and-shoot camera and a kindle in the past and failed each time. I don't expect we will win anything during this month long contest, and will end up spending most if not all of my phone money on these texts, but it is fun anyway.
Posted by Unknown at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Camera, contest, Live 88.5, radio, Television
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright (1876-1944)
Posted by Unknown at 10:22 AM 1 comments
Posted by Unknown at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: childhood, feature, Television, toy, Whenesday, Youtube
Totally Looks Like is exactly what it says it is. People submit images of nouns that look like famous people. For example (this is for you Chris):Zach Efron totally looks like Toupee Dog. There are some that are funny like this one, and other that are stunningly accurate - at times I will be like oh that is Tim Allen, then look at the second image and see that the first wasn't Tim Allen, merely someone who looked EXACTLY like Tim Allen.
Posted by Unknown at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Labels: Blog, Blog of Note, Famous Stars, feature
About two weeks ago I downloaded Lightroom 3 Beta from the Adobe website. Normally this wouldn't cause people any problems whatsoever, but considering that I had not so legal software on my computer, it caused havoc to my system when I decided to uninstall the program a few days ago. When I attempted to complete my assignment on Friday, I learned that I no longer had any access to Photoshop or any other Adobe program. Not a problem, that is why I have a backup computer right - WRONG!
Upon turning on the backup computer, it froze and Dave had to restart it. It now just beeps when you attempt to turn it on. No screen to inform us of an error - just the tower itself beeping away - like it is mocking me. So no backup computer. We tried to install the software again and again (differently each time of course) and failed every time. Eventually we decided Dave's crappy computer was going to have to take the hit and get over 7GB worth of software installed on it so I could finish my assignment on time.
A few hours later, the assignment was completed (after realizing that Dave's monitor is not colour corrected and having to do it twice as the first round was so weak I couldn't bare to submit it). I submitted the not so great assignment with no signatures on it as my brush files are all on this computer - and quite possibly deleted.
The stress levels of the day resulted in me working out a lot with the Wii Fit Plus to counteract the copious amounts of chocolate covered almonds I ate.
Posted by Unknown at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Algonquin_College, assignment, computer, Dave, Nintendo, Photoshop, Wii
"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." - Ben Stein.
Posted by Unknown at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Posted by Unknown at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Entertainment, Gaming, Wii, Wii Fit, Wii Sports
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