Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fun Saturday

My Friday/Saturday was so much fun I thought I would share.
On Friday my parents brought me up a new TV, DVD player and VCR (all hand-me-downs, but better than what I had). I hooked them up yesterday and can't seem to get the VCR to record television, but I will figure it out later today.
Dinner yesterday consisted of Dave and I making pizza from scratch and Dan and Victoria making hash (potatoes, ground beef and a few veggies) and then the four of us sitting down (at an actual dinner table) to eat a civilized meal as a group. It was so grown up. Very enjoyable.
My parents had also brought up the game of Risk, the version for like 1975. I love that game. Dan, Victoria, Yan, Dave and myself played last night. Yan left to go make his dinner and Justin replaced him in the game, unfortunately the game was pretty much over for Yan by the time he left so there wasn't much for Justin to do. At one point in the game I had South America and almost Europe and then got wiped out of Europe completely and was left with three men in Argentina. I was pretty much gone. Fortunately everyone forgot about me way down there in quiet little Argentina. I would take a territory and my men every turn and eventually got to trade in a crap load of Risk cards and was able to take South America back along with Africa and one player (and therefore their Risk Cards - which I traded in to get a cool 45 men). When it was down to Dave and myself, we decided to stop the game realizing that it was just a matter of sitting there rolling dice while my army of like 100 men took the world in what would have needed 2 turns. The Pink Won! YAY!
Unfortunately today will not be as fun. I have to come back to the real world where I need to do a butt-load of homework. I have an assignment for my waste management course and one for my landfill design course as well. I also have to work on the project for my wastewater treatment course. There is also a bunch of laundry to be done by Dave and myself as well as some dishes that need to be cleaned. Oh well it was fun while it lasted.


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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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