Sunday Dave and I got a phone call from my brother asking if we wanted to join him and Lynn at the Super Ex. It was rather unexpected, a random phone call and invite from my brother, but it sounded like fun.
We headed to the fair and took a tour of the rides to decide the best way to buy coupons. You could get a wrist band for $36 and go on an infinite number of rides, or you could get 22 coupons for $30. Both couples chose the latter as Dave is really the only person who can go on crazy rides and would therefore be the only one who could benefit from the wrist band.
We went on the Scrambler (or Sizzler) first as it is apparently Lynn's favourite ride. I think it is also my favourite now, though I remember when I was younger I like the tilt-a-whirl and its many variations. I have learned in recent years, however, that my stomach is weak and can no longer enjoy the crazy rides, so I must now stick to the tame ones.
We then went on a really pathetic Haunted House ride. The 'scary' elements wouldn't have been able to scare a five year old, let alone some 20-something year olds. Also, the seats were so tiny and cramped that Dave with his long legs, could barely fit in. The seat belt barely went around us since his legs had to be so high up. Luckily, or sadly since we paid three coupons for the ride, it lasted only about two minutes and the pain was short lived.
Dave was the most daring of the foursome and went on one of the aforementioned crazy rides. I forget what it was called, but it basically you sat in this seat, with your legs dangling. You were then tossed around, upside down and all over the place. I couldn't even imagine being able to go on a ride like that - even when I was younger I don't think I could have done it.
We also took a walk through the 4H/farm area where we saw many adorable animals, like baby goats and bunnies. We also so some male goats practicing their head rams, it was kind of neat. There were also these dyed chickens - seriously, green, pink, yellow and blue chickens - it was very odd.
We watched the predator and prey show and got to see some big cats outsmart their trainers and be super lazy in general. But who can blame them really, it was really hot out and I don't think that was their first show of the day. And there were of course baby lions, that's right, lion cubs. Unfortunately, I was so overcome by cuteness that I didn't get a very good photo of them.
All in all, it was a really great day. I did get a sunburn and a case of sun stroke, which was solved later on by some gravol and gravol-induced sleep, but it was still a really fun day.