Saturday, January 23, 2010

One Minute Writer #50

Do you have a weekly day of rest? Write a bit about this concept

At first glance, I figured my weekly day of rest is likely Saturday as this is the day where I do the least in terms of work (either engineering work, photographic work or housework). I mope about the house with Dave playing video games and watching movies. Every once in a while I will start a load of laundry, but it normally sits in the washer for a few hours before I realize that it is time to switch it over to the dryer.
It could also be Sunday, where we do something similar but a great deal more housework gets done. Sunday is also normally the day where we end up running any errands that take us out of the house, provided there are any of course. The intention is always to do them on Saturday, but almost every weekend Dave and I decided that we will stay inside and then do them the next day.
I guess I have a day and a half where I attempt to rest from the work week. To be honest though, I fail the majority of the time as lately I find it very hard to stop thinking about work long enough to actually relax.


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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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