Monday, March 02, 2009

My Birthday Month

March really isn’t my favourite month as it isn’t all that pretty outside; the snow is started to melt and therefore goes that awful dirty grey colour, whatever grass that has revealed itself is parch and brown and there are few animals running about. It is however, my birthday month which makes it pretty wonderful. Chris asked me this weekend (or perhaps last week) what I wanted for my birthday and just like I did when it came to Christmas presents, I drew a complete blank. The things I want are either not things one can buy or way too expensive for anyone to get me other than myself (and even when I get them for myself it takes a lot of thought).
I want to travel and take photographs. I want to no longer be working in a place I don’t really like and I would love to be able to go back to school for photography with the idea of actually being able to make money afterwards (and not work at Wal-Mart or Sears Portrait studios – fine jobs, but not the type of photography I am working towards). I would love for someone to come over and take away a few pounds or magically show me how it is done in a fashion that I understand and am capable of. I want to own a home and be fixing it up (perhaps this is just because I have been watching a lot of HGTV and other such fix-it-up type stations).
As you can see, none of these things really add up to anything someone can get me for my birthday. So I guess I will keep thinking about it and hopefully I will come up with something a tad more feasible for my friends and family.


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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


The work contained in my online galleries and published on my blogs is Copyright Stephanie Beach 1998-2011 (unless otherwise stipulated). All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission. My work does not belong to the public domain.

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