Biodome de Montreal
As part of our trip to Montreal, Dave and I went to the Biodome de Montreal. We went on a Saturday afternoon and apparently that is an incredibly bad idea. The lineup to get in wrapped halfway around the Biodome. It took somewhere from 30-45 minutes to get in, but we didn't have to wait around any longer than that as we already had tickets since we had bought a package deal at the Botanical Gardens which we visited earlier in the day.
There was just a ridiculous amount of people and Dave and I didn't spend as long in the Biodome as I had thought we would. We skipped a few of the less popular displays in an attempt to bypass the crowds, but to no avail. We elbowed our way up to the popular displays so I could try to get some shots, but weren't that successful. I got lots of shots, but none are really that great as the lighting was low and we weren't able to get the tripod out due to the afforementioned crowds.The lemurs were probably my favourite display. The keeper was talking to the crowds but in french so I only caught parts of it as I had to concentrate of my photography. Despite the crowds and lack of really great photos, I enjoyed the Biodome. Next time though, we will make a point of going in the morning.
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