Keeping Track
Have I mentioned lately how much I love spreadsheets? Well, in the off chance that I haven't, I love spreadsheets. I just finished creating one for my blogs - that's right a spreadsheet for my blogs. I have started so many features and as such have a ton of scheduled and partially started posts that the edit posts page in Blogger is becoming rather cluttered and hard to read. My spreadsheet will help me keep track of the posts I have scheduled for my different features. It is also helping me keep them regular instead of just random days throughout the month or clustered all in the same week (for my monthly features that is). It also makes it extremely obvious if I start slacking with my posts on any of my blogs as each past day is coloured in one of two colours - one for a post day, and one for a non-post day. The Great Abyss and Stephanie Beach Photography are pretty regular (in the past month and a half) but Road to a Better Me is pretty sporadic. I want to try and remedy that - possibly with features, possibly just with more regular updates, etc, I haven't quite decided.
This is sad. There are no other words. In a protest against The Excel, I am planning my Russia trip in Word!!
No do it in Excell!!!
It is not sad persay, just a perfect example of how organized I am and how incredibly bored I was while watching the guys play video games.
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