Tuesday, October 20, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

The idea for this post was taken from TwinspirationalRunner - thanks.
I thought I would do a little post about me. It is completely random stuff that you may or may not already know, and hopefully it will be fun to compile.

  1. I get anxious when I have to make a phone call. (even moreso when it is work related);
  2. I love being good at 'domestic' tasks like cooking, baking and sewing;
  3. Fall is my favourite season;
  4. I wait until the last minute to do any sort of cleaning;
  5. I know how to spell most words, and when I am wrong, my guess was usually pretty close;
  6. I absolutely love spreadsheets. If I can put some information into a spreadsheet I will. If I get to design a spreadsheet (and yes it is a design) then my day will be a good one.
  7. I have been to many funerals in my life, but the hardest death I ever had to deal with was my family pet - Eddy (Eddy's death made me pose a lot of questions to myself which were very difficult to answer);
  8. My weight is a very touchy topic. I want to lose it, but like most overweight people, do not want to put the effort in;
  9. As mentioned in a previous post, I love very odd combinations of food like salt and vinegar ships and grapes;
  10. I think of myself as an artistic engineer. It is an odd combination, but I am relatively good at math and engineering in general, but also quite good at the arts (photography, general painting and sketching, etc) and I enjoy them both;
  11. I like to go into Danier (and other leather stores) and smell the wonderful leather smells;
  12. I rarely ever win anything;
  13. I am a perpetual learner;
  14. I am really good at organizing things. From events to items - if it has to be sorted or organized, I am really good at getting it done;
  15. I love buying or getting new stuff - even if I have little to no use for it;
  16. I love children's movies - especially Pixar movies;
  17. I can handle extremely stressful situations (like a job get screwed up at work), but get extremely flustered and frustrated with the simplest of tasks (like finding my keys);
  18. I love answering surveys;
  19. Car rides make me sleepy;
  20. I have an eye for photography and love most everything about photography in general;
  21. I am a very jealous person. I can get jealous about the stupidest and most pointless of things;
  22. I have few friends (though the ones I have are good ones) and for the most part, I like it that way;
  23. Photography makes me happy;
  24. I am almost always early when I need to be someplace new;
  25. I think lists are fun.


Christine Sweeton 5:18 PM  

I knew all these things!!! Love you!

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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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