Friday, May 15, 2009

For Me?

Chris has been away for some time on vacation and is easing back into daily postings. Today's post was about a blog chain award that Heather had given her. You are supposed to list 7 reasons you are awesome and then link to other people's blogs you believe are deserving.
First things first I suppose, 7 reasons why I am awesome (I honestly don't know if I can come up with seven but I will do my best - it may take some time).

  1. I'm a pretty good photographer (though I do it because I love it so much not because I am good at it).
  2. My skills in Photoshop are above average and getting better almost every day.
  3. I am extremely organized in most areas of my life, particularly when it comes to finances (to be honest, I don't know if this makes me awesome or slightly crazy). My budget is so organized and well maintained that Dave and I managed to by our first car (well first car that we bought) without any financing or loans - this makes us awesome (though currently poor).
  4. I can make some awesome food. Most recently I made a cheesecake that was to die for (as stated and confirmed by all who ate it).
  5. I'm pretty smart. I have always been on the brighter side of the population, but getting through the engineering program in one piece made me really believe in my intelligence.
  6. I have an Environmental Engineering degree and have managed to find a job in my field. I learned shortly after graduation that this is not an easy task and as such, I feel is grants me a tiny amount of awesome-ness.
  7. When I put my mind to it, I can do just about anything.
Just so everyone is aware of how hard that list was for me - I started this post at about 8:30 and the list itself took me almost half an hour to complete. So, onto the second part of the chain. Awarding other blogs. I would normally have put Heather and Chris into this category as I read their blogs on a regular basis and enjoy both of them but as they have both done this chain already, I will move onto some of the other blogs I follow. I don't believe any of these blogs will keep the chain alive (or even know I linked to them), but I have faith that others will and the awarding will continue. So much faith in fact that I want to direct my readers to some really awesome (and already popular) blogs.
  1. The One-Minute Writer. This blog posts daily writing prompts (it is also very popular and probably doesn't need my help but I am mentioning it just the same). I use the prompts on occassion for blog posts here but also just to get my brain juices flowing in the morning as every once in a while they really make me think.
  2. Journey to Lose 100 Pounds. This blog has been an aid and inspiration when it comes to my weight loss. I found it randomly one day and check it out on a regular basis now. It may not be of interest to everyone, but personally I enjoy it.
  3. Pictures, Poetry & Prose. Another daily posting site that is meant to inspire writing. This one I mainly use to view the photography that gets posted there as writing prompts. I plan on sending her a link to my site(s) in hopes of having some of my images used there.

So that is that. I hope you enjoyed my blog suggestions - I know I do.


Christine Sweeton 10:11 PM  

You are awesome, in those 7 ways and MORE!! Love you, Chris

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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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