Sunday was the day I got my scanner/printer, it was also the day that Dave finally got his Playstation 3. He has wanted this thing for years now (pretty much since it came out) and could never rationalize getting it. When we heard he was going to be working in Toronto for a month (turned out to be a month and a half) he decided that the extra money he would make through overtime and his per diem would go towards a Playstation 3 (and games). Then the Sentra got totaled and that dream faded. I really wanted him to get it still, but we had to spend so much money on the car I wasn't sure if he would. Luckily, he didn't stop looking at it, and I talked him into getting it this past weekend - not that it took much convincing. We went to EB Games and
got a pretty good deal (3 games with the system) and another game that I got him as his birthday present (his birthday happens to have been yesterday). I am very happy he got his new toy as he really deserved something for all the hard work he has been doing at DST. And we got Little Big Planet as well which is a game I have wanted to play since he showed it to me (quite possibly to get me to want to PS3 as much as him - which was smart of him).
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