Friday, June 12, 2009

Sims 3

This past weekend while browsing the items at Future Shop, I saw that Sims 3 had been released. I didn't buy one right away as i wanted to read some reviews about it and see how different it really was from Sims 2 (which had been a huge improvements from the original Sims). I got home and was too tired to really look into it that evening but did Monday evening when I got home from work. I watched a trailer and two gameplay videos and instantly knew I wanted the game. I drove to Future Shop and picked up a copy right away. It was $50 and in my opinion, it was well worth it.

The differences are pretty substantial. You can now alter anything in any way you want. You may like the design of that couch but none of the colours it comes in, you can change that. You like that shirt but want it to be some funky design with custom colours, you can do that. Everything is 100% customizable and it will make the game last so much longer.
I spent most of my first evening making Sims characters that were supposed to look like Dave but I was disappointed when I was unable to get them quite right. The game does have great facial construction tools which surpass those of the first two Sims game but they take some time to master and I just wanted to play so I settled on some faces that don't really match us at all, but that is okay for now.
There are new traits you assign to your Sims (and that get assigned to children, etc who grow up in the game) such as athletic, loner and party animal. You select five for each Sim and then select a lifetime goal for you Sim such as becoming an astronaut or super spy. You can also have lifetime goals like maximize all guitar and writing skills or things of that nature.
I have only been able to play for a few hours so far due to work, class and homework but I love it and really want to play some more. If your computer is up to it, I think everyone should go and pick up a copy of this highly addictive game.


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Eddy Oliver Beach

Eddy Oliver Beach
Nov. 2, 1998 - May 26, 2007


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