Toronto Zoo
As part of our vacation Dave and I went to the Toronto Zoo. It was really fun. We walked around the entire zoo and saw so many animals and I of course took a ton of photos. I really enjoyed the monkeys this year and they all seemed to be doing a pose similar to the one above where they had their arms wrapped around them. It reminded me of humans trying to comfort themselves or warm themselves up on cold days. I thought it was really neat and I have never seen them do this before - or I haven't ever noticed before.
We also went into the temporary exhibit at Stingray Bay. We got to touch Stingrays and even Nurse Sharks. That's right everyone, I touched sea animals - specifically sharks! Dave touched the shark (above) and told me that they felt rough and that I should try it, so I did (below).
The entire Zoo trip cost about $100 with food and admission, etc. Considering it was the most expensive part of our trip (including gas costs) that is really good!! Not to mention the fact that it was well worth the money.
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